Friday, 19 March 2010

i love the peace.and i love the war.I love the seas.and I love the shore.

But she doesn't see, therefore you spoil
You trick, you fall
Run up in raw
You love her, with all your heart
Every vein, every vessel
Every bullet lodged
With every flower that you ever took apart
She said- that she would give you greatness
Status, placement above the others
Your face would grace covers
Of the magazines of the hustlers
Paper, the likes of which that you had never seen
Her eyes glow green with the logo of your dreams
The purpose of your scene
The obscene obsession for the bling
She would be your queen
You could be her king
Together, she would make you cool
And you would both rule, forever
And you would never feel pain
And never be without pleasure, ever, again
And if the rain stops
And everything's dry
She would cry
Just so you can drink the tears from her eyes
She'll teach you how to fly
Even cushion your fall
If your engines ever stall
And you plummet from the sky
But she will keep you high
And if you ever die
She would commission monuments on her bosom
To hum
Or maybe she'd retire as well
A match made in Heaven set the fires in Hell

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

edge of desire

Dear number 39,
I just wanted to say thank you.I had a really long day. Actually, i've had a few months worth of them, to be honest.So when I came into the deli I was thinking hard about leaving Manhattan.But then I told myself if at least one stranger could show me some tiny shred of would mean I should stay.And suddenly there you were.Talking with me.Looking me in the eye. Smiling at me like you meant it.Anyway i just wanted you to know if felt really good. And thanks to you i'm staying right where I am.

yours, number 40

Saturday, 6 March 2010

experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My God, do you learn

asta n-are nicio legatura cu starea mea de acum dar suna atat de bine.
e amuzant cum toata lumea spune "o sa fie bine cu timpul" da' asta nu pare sa te faca niciodata sa te simti mai bine. pentru ca in momentul ala e rau, si daca e rau crezi ca n-o sa fie bine niciodata. and then time goes by and you find yourself saying the same damn thing.
si ce e si mai amuzant e cat e de adevarat. cum situatiile care cu ceva timp in urma ti se pareau de nesuportat acum ti se par calme, linistitoare chiar. cum dezvoltam o imunitate la cuvinte si priviri care obisnuiau sa ne roada pe dinauntru, cum devenim din ce in ce mai pasivi si mai greu de doborat. pasivitatea asta e tricky though. iti intorci privirea un minut si te trezesti ca ai pierdut momente si sentimente pe care nu ti-ai permis sa le traiesti pentru ca erai prea ocupat sa fii pasiv.
but fortunately this is not the case. aici e vorba de o imunitate pur pozitiva, de siguranta ca no matter what, o sa fie bine intr-un final. si daca nu e bine, evident nu s-a nu te mai ating nimicuri, nu te mai enerveaza inutilitati. si sunt efectiv clipe cand zambesti si iti dai seama ca ce te face sa zambesti acum probabil te-ar fi durut cu ceva timp in urma. si zambesti si mai tare cand realizezi asta. si zambesti ca nenorocita asta de vreme te-a udat din cap pana in picioare in 10 minute. si zambesti ca ai racit ca naiba si nu poti sa respiri. si zambesti ca vezi un episod dintr-un serial oarecare. si zambesti ca stii ca la 2 pasi sunt niste oameni care o sa fie intotdeauna acolo pentru tine. si zambesti ca after all, we're all the same.

si probabil zambesc si pentru tine